Friday, August 8, 2008


Hi There,
To begin with let me enumerate few chores about me.
I am Varun Tewari, preferably Cobra as known to friends.
I am just a normal, no stud guy, who sometimes do engages in carousal, an IT engineer, who like most of the lot passes much of his time checking mail and forwarding forwards from friends to friends.
Life as usual for most of us sucks big time, tough it does provide few captivating experience, but in essence all fun etc dies out gradually as we saunter year after years.
I should consider myself lucky for being gifted few really "cool" confidants, spread across the width of world.
Besides, if i be candid, i am enjoying the life off late, and hope things do change but change must be for good ;-), sorry being mean and selfish here, but each and every human i belive is selfish in some respect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wah chunnu... blogging...